Sunday & Wednesday Schedules
Sunday Mornings
The church family gathers for Sunday School (Bible Study) at 9:15 AM each week. Worship is at 10:30 AM in our Sanctuary. The worship service is also available on Facebook Live-Stream beginning at 10:20 AM. “Extended Teaching Care” is available during worship for bed-babies through Kindergarten.
Wednesday Nights
Preschoolers, Children, Youth, and Adults meet for the family night meal, fellowship, and study on Wednesdays from 5:30 pm at specific times throughout the year. Please contact the church office to check the schedule and reserve your meal.

Children’s Sunday School
Preschoolers (Bed-babies – Kindergarten) meet for Sunday School in the Preschool Suite (Building B, First Floor) for age-appropriate activities from 9:15 until 10:15 am each Sunday.
Children (Grades 1-5) meet for Sunday School in the Children’s Suite (Building C, Second Floor) for age-appropriate activities from 9:15 until 10:15 am each Sunday
Youth Sunday School
Youth (Grades 6-12) meet for Sunday School in the Youth Center (Building C, Second Floor) from 9:15 until 10:15 am each Sunday.
“Youth Gathering” (Grades 6-12) meets on Sunday evenings in the Youth Center (Building C, Second Floor) from 6:00 until 7:30 pm. All youth are encouraged to join us for Bible Study, Missions, Fellowship, and meaningful activities.
Adult Sunday School
Adults are encouraged to connect to a Sunday School Class for Bible study and fellowship. Sunday School classes for all ages meet from 9:15 until 10:15 am each Sunday. There is a class for you to connect with other people and study Scripture together. We offer a variety of adult classes, teaching styles, topics, and class sizes.