New Here?
We are delighted you discovered The Baptist Church of Beaufort. If you are new to our community or just seeking a new church home then we hope you’ll give us a try. We know that going to a new church for the first time can be uncomfortable. This is especially true if you’ve never really gone to church before. Perhaps you haven’t decided what you really believe about God or the church. Wherever you are in your journey, we want you to feel at home at BCOB. We’ll do our best to give you the space and time you need to decide how much or how little you choose to be involved. We want you to know that we care about you!
Please contact us at or 843-524-3197 if you have questions or need additional information regarding the church. If you let us know when you’re coming to visit with us, we’ll even meet you in the parking lot! There is a place for you and your family here at BCOB! Give us a try . . . you’ll be glad you did . . . we will be too!
Meeting Times
9:15-10:15 a.m. – Sunday School – (Bible Study for all ages)
10:30 a.m. – Morning Worship Service
4:30-5:15 p.m. – Youth Handbells – (Grades 6-12 – Meet Sept – May)
5:15-5:45 p.m. – Youth Ensemble – (Grades 6-12 – Meet Sept – May)
5:45-6:00 p.m. – Youth Snack Supper – (Grades 6-12)
6:00-7:30 p.m. – Youth Gathering – (Grades 6-12)
5:30 – 6:00 pm – Family Night Meal – (Sept – May)
6:00-7:00 p.m. – Adult Bible Study – (Sept – May)
6:00-7:00 p.m. – Youth Ministry – (Grades 6-12 – Sept – May)
6:00–7:00 pm – Children’s Ministry
What Can I Expect?
If you arrive during the Sunday School hour at 9:15 a.m. you’ll find greeters in front of Buildings B and C who will help you find an age-appropriate class to visit. If you have children they will be directed to the appropriate class as well. You will be welcomed and greeted. You will be asked to consider completing some guest information if you desire to do so. You will not be singled out or embarrassed in any way. We will take good care of you and your family.
If you arrive for the morning Worship service you will be greeted at the door and handed a Worship Guide (bulletin) when you enter the Sanctuary. During the Welcome time at the beginning of the service you will be asked to complete a Welcome Card which is located on the pew in front of you. We’ll request you complete the Welcome Card and drop it in the offering plate later in the service. We know that being in a new place can take guests out of their comfort zone. Therefore, we will not single you out by asking you to stand.
If you visit on Wednesday evening you’ll want to enter Building C where you will be greeted when you enter the building. Simply tell the greeter you’re new and our greeter will get you to the right place. Regardless of when you visit, please let us know that you’re coming and we’ll meet you in the parking lot! There is a place for you and your family to connect at BCOB!
How Do I Dress?
We are more interested in meeting you and getting to know you rather than what you wear. Dress the way you’re comfortable and visit with us! Come just as you are! We’ll accept you!
What About My Kids?
The Family Ministry of The Baptist Church of Beaufort includes single parent families, military families, blended families, and traditional families. Some families have one child and other families have multiple children. Some families have adopted children. In some families children are being raised by their grandparents. Regardless of the make-up or dynamic of your family, you will be welcomed and accepted at The Baptist Church of Beaufort.
In addition to providing specific age group opportunities for children, youth, and adults, we also provide opportunities for families to learn, play, grow, serve, and worship together.
Where Should I Park?
As a guest, please park in any lot you see near our campus. There is a main lot directly across from the front of sanctuary (enter on Prince Street) and a lot on the next block south on King Street. On-street parking is also available and an additional lot is located behind Building C on the corner of Prince and West Streets (enter on West Street.)