Senior Adult VBS
For many Senior Adults, Vacation Bible School was a part of the annual rhythm of the church when we were young. Off we’d go, dropped off by our parents (sometimes at different churches for multiple weeks!) for what we later learned was not a vacation for us. It was a vacation for them! But it was always a fun and memorable way to be introduced to the stories of the Bible.
Building on that fun, Ed Kilbourne has taken his nationally recognized gifts of music, storytelling and humor, combined them with the wisdom and knowledge of his years as a folk-theologian, and put them in a 3-day Vacation Bible School program for the senior saints and sages of the church. Ed will lead during worship on Sunday, March 16, at 10:30am. VBS will be Monday, March 17 thru Wednesday, March 19, with coffee, snacks, and fellowship at 9:30am. VBS will be from 10:00am until 12 noon, followed by a light lunch. The cost is $30.00 per person (three days of food and supplies), and the deadline to sign up and pay is Sunday, March 2. Sign up at the tent on Sunday, or call the church office (843-524-3197) to attend. Additional sponsorships to defray the cost of VBS are appreciated. You’re not going to want to miss this!