A Video Update from Pastor Landon (6/12)
A Guide to Re-Gathering for Worship
Out of our love for one another, we ask that you help us return to safe and meaningful in-person worship on June 28, by doing your part. If you feel you cannot abide by these recommendations, we ask that you worship with us online.
- We will have two shortened (45 min) worship gatherings at 9:00 am & 11:00 am.
- To ensure we have space for everyone, we ask you to sign up for a specific worship time EACH WEEK. An email will be sent each Monday at 8:00 am, beginning June 15, to sign up online through Sign Up Genius.
- Families with children are encouraged to sit on the right side (Prince Street Side) of the sanctuary as you come in.
- The top row of the balcony will be available for seating. The right side (Prince Street Side) at 9:00 am / the left side (King Street Side) at 11:00 am.
- Please sit towards the front of the sanctuary first.
- We will continue to offer online worship via Facebook
- Offering baskets will be at the doors as you exit.
- We will have two shortened (45 min) worship gatherings at 9:00 am & 11:00 am.
- Worship gatherings will be family-friendly, but we will not invite children to come down front for a Children’s time.
- Please wear a facemask. For those who choose not to wear a facemask we ask that you worship in the Green Room.
- Maintain proper social distancing by staying 6 feet apart from people not in your household at all times.
- As much as we love one another and want to shake hands and hug, we ask that we do not touch one another at any time, before during or after worship.
- Please enter and exit through the main sanctuary doors unless you need handicap access.
- If you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, we ask that you stay home.